A zonkey is a real thing

And it is as cute as it sounds

There are times when playing God is a dangerous game. Like right-wing crazies condemning strangers to burn in eternal hellfire for their lifestyles, for example.

Then, there are times when playing God is an adorable game in which everyone wins. This is one of those times.

Because it is Friday, and because when we stumbled across this on our ventures through the Interwebz this afternoon we sort of squealed at our desks a little, we present: A ZONKEY.

This is a totally real and not manufactured by Dr. Seuss thing that just happened. A zoo in Mexico bred a donkey and a zebra. The fruits of that rare union was just born, and its name is Khumba, and it is one of the very, very few of its kind.

But hopefully not the last. Because, did we mention that it is adorable? Refer to the above video for your Friday afternoon dose of feels. You’re welcome.

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