Worth the Wait

This forthcoming Museum of Science experiment explores immigration, economic inequality and bureaucracy


The forthcoming Waiting Rooms experience at the Museum of Science has already lived up to its name. James Wetzel, a co-producer of the museum’s adult programs, and his crew will have spent more than 18 months working on the run when it premieres on Sept. 26 and runs through Oct. 5.

“The process has been extremely detailed and is a revolutionary concept from an institutional perspective,” Wetzel says. “There were countless logistics to perfect in order to ensure everything goes 100 percent smoothly.”

The four-night experience will steer guests into areas familiar and unfamiliar, and is billed as a social science experiment that explores immigration, economic inequality and bureaucracy. While Wetzel is staying mum on the exact logistics of the installation, the creators of the project, architect Nathalie Pozzi and video game designer Eric Zimmerman, previously ran the experience at the Rubin Museum in New York. And Wetzel at least offers one tip for anyone planning to attend the installation: Wear comfortable clothes.

“[It] will transform the building into an absurdist yet strict social bureaucracy that literally takes over the museum,” Wetzel says. “This is not the Museum of Science [guests] know.”

Something else to wait for …

410 feet of hanging costumes line the Huntington Theatre Company’s new production facility in Everett. Renovation of the theater’s Huntington Avenue building is expected to start next year, and the company’s set and costume work was relocated to accommodate the estimated $70 million project.

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