Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II’s Show Boat made waves when it premiered in 1927. The first Broadway show to combine serious subject matter with song and dance, it follows the cast and crew of a Mississippi River show boat over 40 years, tracing the rocky course of love and revealing the harsh realities of racism above and below deck. Now Fiddlehead Theatre Company is presenting the musical as the first production of its new residency at the Shubert Theatre—and its largest production to date. (Co-director Stacey Stephens designed 300-plus costumes for the cast of 50.) Climb aboard when Show Boat drops anchor June 22-July 3.
Show Boat runs from June 22-July 3 at the Shubert Theatre, 265 Tremont St., Boston (866-348-9738) Tickets from $53;
See This: 'Show Boat' at the Shubert Theatre
Rocking the boat.
By Jacqueline Houton | Photo Credit: Roberto Araujo | June 17, 2016
Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II’s Show Boat made waves when it premiered in 1927. The first Broadway show to combine serious subject matter with song and dance, it follows the cast and crew of a Mississippi River show boat over 40 years, tracing the rocky course of love and revealing the harsh realities of racism above and below deck. Now Fiddlehead Theatre Company is presenting the musical as the first production of its new residency at the Shubert Theatre—and its largest production to date. (Co-director Stacey Stephens designed 300-plus costumes for the cast of 50.) Climb aboard when Show Boat drops anchor June 22-July 3.
Show Boat runs from June 22-July 3 at the Shubert Theatre, 265 Tremont St., Boston (866-348-9738) Tickets from $53;
Shubert Theatre
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