6 THRU Feb 4

'Hand to God'

If idle hands are the devil’s playthings, then an idle hand puppet is his mouthpiece—at least in Hand to God. SpeakEasy Stage presents the Tony-nominated black comedy about a fundamentalist Christian ministry that uses sock puppets to preach the Good Word. Things get a bit out of hand, however, when the group leader’s teenage son’s possessed puppet starts speaking for himself, leading to all kinds of unseemly revelations, violent confrontations and, yep, puppet sex. Think Avenue Q meets The Book of Mormon with a dash of The Exorcist for good measure. Those looking for an antidote to all those feel-good holiday shows should catch the Boston premiere Jan. 6-Feb. 4 at the Wimberly Theatre at the BCA.

Wimberly Theatre at the BCA

527 Tremont Street Boston, MA 02116 United States (617) 266-0800