Ansel Adams in Our Time Opening Night Reception

Missives from the jet set

Abe Morell, Stephen Tourlentes and Laura McPhee at the opening night reception of Ansel Adams in Our Time

Influencer Problems

Raise your hand if you didn’t have an Ansel Adams print on the wall of your college dorm room.

Thought so.

That explains the extraordinary turnout at the opening night reception for Ansel Adams in Our Time at the Museum of Fine Arts.

Lucas Foglia and Meghann Riepenhoff at the opening night
reception of Ansel Adams in Our Time.

The high-wattage crowd included former ambassador to Senegal and Nigeria Walter Carrington and his physician/activist wife, Arese, art dealer Robert Klein, blond beauty Kristen Casey and her affable other half, Joe, real estate titan Ron Druker and the perfectly lovely Julie, Chestnut Hill chatelaine Roberta Cohn, the absurdly gorgeous Jennifer and Mark Herman and their uber-stylish offspring, Ashley, arts patron Lee Perry, curators Nancy Berliner and Frederick Ilchman, the latter’s gorgeous wife, Cassandra, their ridiculously cute baby, Ilaria, and one woman who said, “I had to grab a glass of wine before I checked my coat. Priorities.”

By all accounts, the exhibit was spectacular, and as one guest pointed out, “These aren’t some Instagram snaps from somebody’s smartphone. He had to lug a box camera up a mountain and wait for hours for the right light.”

To which someone else responded, “Maybe. But it’s not like there’s anything easy about choosing the right filter.”

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