Boston Bakes for Breast Cancer

Missives from the jet set

Susan Guerin, Dang Pham, Amber Dwyer, Kerry Levesque, Rossi Weinberg, Meghan Thompson, Carol Sneider and Robert Bruce at Boston Bakes for Breast Cancer

Raising Dough

How’s this for doing good by being bad?

During the week leading up to Mother’s Day, Boston Bakes for Breast Cancer capitalizes on the infallible assumption that it’s hard to say no to dessert, especially when the proceeds are benefiting a good cause.

The devilishly clever idea that began with 42 of the city’s top pastry chefs donating their profits has grown to include more than 250 bakeries, retail shops and restaurants. For the past 20 years, the charity has raised more than $1.5 million.

Daniel Benabou, Carrie Benabou, Elie Cohen and Helena Cohen at Boston Bakes for Breast Cancer

Bill Bunce and Bridie Quinn at Boston Bakes for Breast Cancer

A kick-off party for this year’s fundraiser was held at the Ritz-Carlton, just in time to torpedo everyone’s New Year’s resolutions, with cocktails and a tantalizing tower of decadent desserts. The worst nightmare of buff gay Instagram influencers, social X-rays or anyone with celiac disease, there were treats by Kerry Levesque of Artisan Bistro, Christina Larson of Bar Mezzana, Meghan Thompson of SRV, Joaquim Filho and Rossi Weinberg of Figs, Kristin Wilson of Legal Harborside, Dang Pham of Ruka and Alyssa Piazza of Deuxave. Seen enjoying them (or heard quietly muttering, “Lead me not into temptation”) were the likes of the charity’s delightful founder, Carol Sneider, handsome hotelier Bill Bunce, brunette stunner Melinda Sarkis, the toothsome twosome of Julie and Howard Hall, yummy mummy Kelley Tuthill and her little munchkin Scarlett (all dolled up like a Disney princess), foodie extraordinaire Chris Haynes, publicist/sexbomb Steve Pellegrino, Beacon Hillion Tess Atkinson, photographer to the rich and famous Cheryl Richards, the one true culture vulture Mat Schaffer, the lantern-jawed Scott Bernstein and his beach babe, Rebecca Marani, contemporary design avatar Doug Gates, Vineyard goddess Susan Guerin and numerous friends of the late Cristina Moniz, to whom the evening was dedicated.

Introducing the chefs, Tuthill observed, “You’re a slim group for what you do. You certainly aren’t eating it,” while another guest muttered, “One and a half million dollars? That’s quite a bake sale!”

The evening’s best exchange: “I actually met you 20-something years ago.”

“Oh? Was I this charming?” ◆

Avez-vous dish? Dirt? A spectacular social occasion? Call J.S. at 617-859-1400, ext. 303, or send an email to

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