Night at Symphony

Missives from the jet set

Karen Mauney-Brodek and Katie Schuller Bleakie at Night at Symphony

Parks and Recreation

The swans in Jamaica Pond got a boost from the swans of Boston’s social scene when the Emerald Necklace Conservancy hosted a Night at Symphony to raise money for the Justine Mee Liff Fund.

Julie Hume Gordon and Camille Valentine at Night at Symphony

Matthew Tambiah and Molly Plimpton at Night at Symphony (left); Molly Dunne, Kitty Creighton and Ellie Cornish Chu at Night at Symphony (right)

The evening began with cocktails and dinner in the Cabot-Cahners Room and continued with a magnificent concert inside Symphony Hall, and it attracted the likes of uber groovers Pat and Maureen Shea, investment guru Katie Schuller Bleakie and her adoring other half, Max, North Shore nabobs Kitty and Peter Creighton, the unsinkable Molly Dunne and her adorable daughter, Mimi (aka Dorothea), magnolia blossom Ellie Cornish Chu, brunette vixen Julie Hume Gordon, Duxbury damsel Holly Safford, Cambridge chatelaine RoAnn Costin, the formidable Roberta Cohn, blond beauty Cackie Austin, BSO grand pooh-bah Mark Volpe, the soignee Kim Furnald, several young women who proved that the hair scrunchy is back with a vengeance and one woman who had returned from Europe that morning instead of going directly to her winter home in Florida “just to do a wardrobe change.”

There was a raffle with prizes ranging from spa treatments and cashmere wraps to Red Sox tickets and fancy dinners, and the performance included Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto, which earned soloist Julian Rachlin a standing ovation.

“I like your jacket,” said one guest, to which the response was, “Thanks. I won it in a bet.”

However, the evening’s best exchange came when one woman said to her husband, “I need your credit card,” to which he replied, “The last time you said that, it cost me a thousand bucks.” ◆

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