Opening Night of Full on Forsythe

Missives from the jet set

Tom Blumenthal, Lisa Blumenthal, William Forsythe and Mikko Nissinen at Full on Forsythe

En Pointe

Ballet luminaries from around the world, not to mention local dance aficionados, turned out in well-dressed droves at the Citizens Bank Opera House for the Opening Night of Full on Forsythe, Boston Ballet’s groundbreaking program by avant-garde choreographer William Forsythe

Lia Cirio, Paul Craig, Graham Johns and Abigail Merlis at Full on Forsythe

The evening included a world premiere and an American premiere and created enormous buzz all the way from Helsinki to Havana. Spotted in the audience: banking hottie Rick Musiol, the ethereal Susan Richardson, doyenne Diane Schmalensee, the unstoppable Doris Yaffe, twinkle-toed equestrienne Diana Rockefeller, brunette beauty Jessica Ferri Schmitz, Beacon Hillions Fiona and James Benenson, ICA grand pooh-bah Jill Medvedow and one woman who said, “I didn’t take my husband’s name because nobody can spell or pronounce it.”

A reception was held after the performance, in the Summer Street offices of Markley, where cocktails and witticisms flew fast and furious.

Apropos of we’re not quite sure what, one guest was overheard saying, “My dry cleaners are the best at getting blood out.”

Meanwhile, in the men’s room, a guy who was texting while going about his business prompted someone to remark, “That’s some impressive multitasking.”

Finally, to the woman who approached me expectantly and then said, “Sorry, I thought you were someone,” you might have added the word “else.” And now you know exactly who I am. ◆

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