Natasha Makowski, Madison Maushart and Daria Semco at Sting!
It’s Later Than You Think. That was the name of the latest exhibit in the Beehive’s ongoing art series, Sting!, which opened with a cocktail reception hosted by nonprofit Cube. The group promotes the work of local artists and exposes them to connoisseurs and collectors through interactive experiences like studio visits, gallery tours and cocktail parties at South End hangouts.
Chris Sageman and Karly Loyer at Sting!
Featured artist Tim McCool at Sting!
The evening drew a primarily western suburban crowd that included the likes of Cube founders Beth Schlager and Lisa Lebovitz, Beehive co-owner and curator Jennifer Epstein with her hunky other half, Bill Keravuori, aptly named organizer Tim McCool (also one of the artists), unfairly attractive couple Kym and Cliff Long, cardsharp Larry Greenberg and his cover girl, Beth, blond real estate broker Rosemary McCready, stunning TV producer Kathy Bickimer and one guest who complained that his new job working from home left too many opportunities for “taking porn breaks and having cocktails at 2 in the afternoon.”
To which someone else responded, “Where do I sign up?”
Everyone not only got to admire the work by McCool, Ari Hauben, Cody Justus, Timothy Kadish and Chris Sageman, but had the chance to chat with the artists.
The evening’s wisest remark: “Tequila is happiness in a bottle. Whiskey is a nice buzz. But gin? There’s going to be a sad story at the end of the night.” ◆
Avez-vous dish? Dirt? A spectacular social occasion? Call J.S. at 617-859-1400, ext. 303, or send an email to
Missives from the jet set
By Jonathan Soroff | Jan. 25, 2019
Natasha Makowski, Madison Maushart and Daria Semco at Sting!
Enjoy Yourself
It’s Later Than You Think. That was the name of the latest exhibit in the Beehive’s ongoing art series, Sting!, which opened with a cocktail reception hosted by nonprofit Cube. The group promotes the work of local artists and exposes them to connoisseurs and collectors through interactive experiences like studio visits, gallery tours and cocktail parties at South End hangouts.
Chris Sageman and Karly Loyer at Sting!
Featured artist Tim McCool at Sting!
The evening drew a primarily western suburban crowd that included the likes of Cube founders Beth Schlager and Lisa Lebovitz, Beehive co-owner and curator Jennifer Epstein with her hunky other half, Bill Keravuori, aptly named organizer Tim McCool (also one of the artists), unfairly attractive couple Kym and Cliff Long, cardsharp Larry Greenberg and his cover girl, Beth, blond real estate broker Rosemary McCready, stunning TV producer Kathy Bickimer and one guest who complained that his new job working from home left too many opportunities for “taking porn breaks and having cocktails at 2 in the afternoon.”
To which someone else responded, “Where do I sign up?”
Everyone not only got to admire the work by McCool, Ari Hauben, Cody Justus, Timothy Kadish and Chris Sageman, but had the chance to chat with the artists.
The evening’s wisest remark: “Tequila is happiness in a bottle. Whiskey is a nice buzz. But gin? There’s going to be a sad story at the end of the night.” ◆
Avez-vous dish? Dirt? A spectacular social occasion? Call J.S. at 617-859-1400, ext. 303, or send an email to
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