Christina Lodde

Christina Lodde, 37
Fitness Instructor

Career trajectory: I worked in human resources at PricewaterhouseCoopers for 10 years before leaving the corporate world for fitness full-time about four and a half years ago. I teach anywhere from 16 to 18 classes a week at Flywheel Sports and Barry’s Bootcamp. I also mentor and train other instructors and love traveling to other cities to teach and connect with clients outside of Boston.

Hobbies: I enjoy strength training and working with a boxing coach. My personal time has been dedicated more recently to training my new puppy and getting his crazy amount of energy out. I spend lots of time walking in the city and finding all of the dog parks.

Special Skills: I was a Spanish minor in college and can’t speak a lick now, so I guess I’m a better dancer, specifically Hawaiian and tap dance, and I’m a blue belt in Kempo karate. I’ll entertain you, and then kick your ass.

Celebrity crush: Bradley Cooper. Specifically, when he plays a guitar.

On a first date, you like to: Keep it casual and stay local, in case there’s no connection. If there’s a connection, let’s order food. I can get hangry.

Thing that makes you a great catch: I’m easygoing and very adaptable. I can tear up a dance floor and take down a pizza.

On a first date, what would horrify you is: Bad teeth.

the most romantic thing in the world: Manual labor. Fixing my toilet or my car is speaking my love language.

Could you ever date a couch potato: On a Sunday in the winter? Yes, absolutely. I work and work out hard. I enjoy some good couch time to recharge.

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