James Fahey III

James Fahey III, 27
Boston Cannons Lacrosse Player

What spare time: I was recruited to play lacrosse at UMass Amherst, where I earned a bachelor’s in kinesiology. After graduating, I joined the Boston Cannons to live out the dream of becoming a professional lacrosse player. After two seasons, I decided to go back to school to get my associate’s degree in physical therapy. I’m still a member of the Boston Cannons, while working two part-time jobs, on top of being a full-time student. I’m an Orange Theory fitness coach and an educator at Lululemon.

Domesticity: I’m a wizard in the kitchen, and other parts of the house … like the fireplace. I can build a mean fire for those cold and dreary days. Bring your Snuggie and hot chocolate.

Celebrity crush: I don’t follow celebrities closely enough to have one, but growing up, I was a huge Eva Mendes fan.

Craziest thing you ever did for love (or lust): I drove 10 hours to Delaware. Nothing more needs to be said about that.

Most romantic place in the world: Next to the fireplace, on the couch, under a blanket.

Favorite physical trait: Legs, legs and legs. I’m a firm believer that anything built to last starts with a strong and healthy base.

Worst trait: I’m a dropper. I drop my stuff all over the house, and my room is rarely picture perfect.

Most unconventional use you’ve ever made of a lacrosse stick: Caught a bat in my room and chucked it out the window.

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